On video-conference session participation
For synchronous classes in a blended, online or hyflex course, students must follow the following recommendations:
- Find a suitable space to connect to the class session, quiet and with a good Internet connection.
- Preferably, use a microphone and headphones for better communication, especially if connecting from a public space (library, cafeteria, etc.).
- Be on time and sign in through the scheduled link for the class session; perform audio tests and video setup provided by the platform.
- If you wish to participate, raise your hand using the Blackboard Collaborate option. When a student raises his or her hand, the professor or facilitator receives a visual and audible announcement, please wait to be given the floor.
- Keep the microphone turned off while not speaking.
- Preferably, keep the camera on, especially when speaking or when requested by the professor or facilitator.
- You can use the chat to comment or even answer general questions or surveys posed by the professor. You can use emojis as well, making sure that the emoji used conveys the emotion or mood to the group appropriately and is not misunderstood.
- Avoid writing very long texts in the chat; you can use the bold or underlined formatting option to highlight an idea.
- When the professor shares the whiteboard, you should participate respectfully without interrupting the development of the class; keep in mind that the professor is evaluating your participation regardless of the space used.
- When granted screen sharing and presentation permissions, make sure you do not have other applications open that may issue alerts or announcements that may appear on screen and be displayed to all participants.
- Never share personal information of any kind in chats, whiteboards or when screen sharing.
- In general, try to ensure active, collaborative, honest, respectful, and timely communication and participation. ?
- Class sessions including chats are recorded for later viewing and review by students and professors.
- A start of recording and end of recording message will appear to alert students. Please, avoid external noises that may interrupt or affect the recording of the session.
- Class recordings are only accessible during the academic semester in which the course takes place; it is not possible to access them after the end of the semester.
On fulfilling activities
- Students must regularly check the virtual classrooms of the courses in which they are enrolled to see if an announcement or activity has been published.
- It is the students’ responsibility to:
- Keep their profile and photograph updated.
- Review the «Course Announcements» board that informs or notifies them about the activities to de done during the week, as well as about the course development.
- Review and study the mandatory weekly resources that the professor assigns each week or session in advance.
- Deliver the assigned activities, individually or in groups, according to the course activities schedule. The established delivery time is the exact time.
- All assignments are evaluated by SafeAssign anti-plagiarism software.
Students have a space in the virtual classrooms to verify the similarity or originality of their work before the final delivery.- All work to be evaluated by professors must be delivered through the virtual classroom (not by e-mail or any other means unless expressly indicated in the instructions).
On communication through consultation means
- The main means of communication of the course is the virtual classroom. Use the Forum for consultations or the option Messages of the course. In both spaces, students should expect a response within no more than 24 hours.
- Students may use the professor’s e-mail address at any time to request help or make direct queries to faculty.
- When addressing the professor through an email, forum or message, be sure to include the subject in the header; in addition, the content should consist of a salutation (Example: «Dear …:») and a closing (Example: «Best regards» and signature).
- In any communication, the main idea should be written first, and then the topic should be explained or elaborated on, trying to include specific information and references (e.g., instead of stating «the exercise indicates…,» you should state «exercise 3 of PC1 indicates…»).
- If you are writing an e-mail, you should clearly state the name or code of the course and the code of the section to which it belongs.
- It is important to be brief and concise. If a large amount of text is required, then paragraphs should be no longer than four lines and consideration should be given to the correct use of punctuation marks, including the use of semicolons to separate the main idea from secondary ideas.
On forum participation
- In forums, students are required to participate meaningfully and substantively, and to comment on the contributions of their peers.
- Participation in forums is ruled by the same basic etiquette rules of an in-person conversation; therefore, students are expected to use spelling correctly, write clearly and concisely, and use the manners expected from a university student.
- The language used in the forums must be formal and academic. Do not use colloquial language or contractions or writing styles as those used in text messages or social networks.
- Students should not wait for their participation in the forums until the last day, since it is very possible that there will not be enough time to complete the previous activity and participate adequately. It is important to remember that the objective of the forums is to generate dialogue and exchange of ideas; hence, it is important to participate as soon as possible.
- Students should make sure that their participation is interesting and attractive. We suggest they read the news and publications related to the topic of the class to improve their contributions.
Netiquette rules
These rules refer to the general rules for the correct use of the Internet; therefore, in order to maintain the quality of our communications, it is important that students keep in mind the following netiquette rules:
- In all participations, clearly identify yourself (first and last name).
- Be careful with humor, sarcasm, and other language that may offend classmates. Emotionality is an important part of every debate, and each person has his or her own style of writing and presenting ideas. Remember that all of us who participate in the course are constantly learning.
- In addition to the content, spelling must be taken care of. Remember that capital letters also have accents. If the decision is made to omit accents, indicate that the omission was intentional.
- If you need to present ideas, comments or any material that are not of your authorship, please indicate the source and origin.
- Be careful with the use of capital letters. On the Internet, writing in block capitals means raising your voice, so use with great caution.
- Be careful with the use of acronyms and abbreviations. Please, always explain their meaning (it is not necessary to repeat the full names each time; it is only necessary to write the meaning the first time).
Other rules students must regard
- Technical requirements to connect to the UPC Virtual Classroom (see)
- Student Manual (see)
- Diversity and Non-Discrimination Policy (see)
- iPad Loan Policy (see)
- Anti-tobacco Policy (see)
- Regulations for Sexual Harassment Prevention and Intervention (see)
- University Ombudsman’s Office Operating Rules (see)
- Classrooms and Labs Regulations (see)
- Student Disciplinary Regulations (see)